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    1. No Items SPEC
      1 Trace Width/Space 35μm /35μm
      2 Trace Width Tolerance ±10%
      3 Distance between Pad and Conductor 0.075mm
      4 Distance between Board Edge and Conductor 0.15mm
      5 Min. Pad Size 0.2*0.2mm
      6 PTH Pad Size 0.25mm
      7 Min. PTH Aperture 0.05mm
      8 Registration of Silk-Screen ±0.075mm
      9 Tolerance of External Dimension ±0.05mm
      10 Tolerance of Aperture ±0.015mm
      11 Registration of Hole ±0.025mm
      12 Thickness of Ni Plating 1μm-5μm
      13 Thickness of Au Plating 0.05μm-0.2μm
      14 Maximum Layer 8 Layers

      項目 量產能力
      Chip器件 可加工最小尺寸電阻、電容電感 0201
      SMT加工直通率 99.95%
      連接器 可加工最小Pitch 連接器 0.4mm
      SMT加工直通率 99.80%
      BGA 可加工最小Pitch BGA器件 0.4mm
      SMT加工直通率 99.80%
      QFN 可加工最小Pitch QFN器件 0.4mm
      SMT加工直通率 99.80%
      LED LED燈貼裝角度精度 ±1°
      SMT加工直通率 99.90%